Thursday, 9 May 2013

Design Patterns Intro

The Design Pattern is not a framework and is not directly deployed via code.

Design Pattern have two main usages:
  • Common language for developers: they provide developer a common langauage for certain problems. for example if a developer tells another developer that he is using a singleton, the another developer (Should) know exactly what is singleton.
  • Capture best practices: Design patterns capture solutions which have been applied to certain problems. By learning these patterns and the problem they are trying to solve a un experienced developer can learn a lot about software design.
Design pattern are based on the base principles of object orientated design.
  • Program to an interface not an implementation
  • Favor object composition over inheritance
Design Patterns can be divided into:
  • Creational Patterns
  • Structural Patterns
  • Behavioral Patterns
These patterns can divided into below shown:

Creational Patterns:
  1. Factory Pattern
  2. Abstract Factory Pattern
  3. Singleton Pattern
  4. Builder Pattern
  5. Prototype Pattern
Structural Patterns:
  1. Adapter Pattern
  2. Bridge pattern
  3. Composite Pattern
  4. Decorator Pattern
  5. Facade Pattern
  6. Flyweight Pattern
  7. Proxy Pattern
Behavioral Patterns:
  1. Chain of responsibility Pattern
  2. Command Pattern
  3. Interpreter Pattern
  4. Iterator Pattern
  5. Mediator Pattern
  6. Momento Pattern
  7. Observer Pattern
  8. State Pattern
  9. Template Pattern
  10. Visitor Pattern

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