Saturday, 18 May 2013
Interfaces and Classes in Servlet
Interfaces in javax.servlet package:
- Servlet
- ServletRequest
- ServletResponse
- RequestDispatcher
- ServletConfig
- ServletContext
- SingleThreadModel
- Filter
- FilterConfig
- FilterChain
- ServletRequestListener
- ServletRequestAttributeListener
- ServletContextLitstener
- ServletContextAttributeListener
- GenericServlet
- ServetInputStream
- ServletOutputStream
- ServletRequestWrapper
- ServletResponseWrapper
- ServletRequestEvent
- ServletContextEvent
- ServletRequestAttributeEvent
- ServletContextAttributeEvent
- ServletException
- UnavailableException
- HttpServletRequest
- HttpServletResponse
- HttpSession
- HttpSessionListener
- HttpSessionAttributeListener
- HttpSessionBindingListener
- HttpSessionActivationListener
- HttpSessionContext (deprecated now)
- HttpServlet
- Cookie
- HttpServletRequestWrapper
- HttpServletResponseWrapper
- HttpSessionEvent
- HttpSessionBindingEvent
- HttpUtils (depricated now)
History of Java
James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the java language project in June 1991.
Originally designed for small. embedded systems in electronic appliances like set-top boxes. Initially called Oak was renamed as "Java". Java is just a name not an acronym.
Originally developed by james Gosling at SUN Microsystems( which is now a subsidiary of oracle Corporation) and released in 1995. JDK 1.0 released in (January 23,1996).
Originally designed for small. embedded systems in electronic appliances like set-top boxes. Initially called Oak was renamed as "Java". Java is just a name not an acronym.
Originally developed by james Gosling at SUN Microsystems( which is now a subsidiary of oracle Corporation) and released in 1995. JDK 1.0 released in (January 23,1996).
Servlet Interface
Servlet Interface provides common behavior to all the servlet Servlet interface needs to be implemented for creating any servlet (either directly or indirectly). It provides 3 life cycle methods that are used to initialize the servlet, to service the requests and to destroy the servlet and 2 non-life cycle methods.
Methods of servlet Interface: There are 5 methods in servlet interface. The init, service and destroy are the life cycle method these are invoked by the web container.
Methods of servlet Interface: There are 5 methods in servlet interface. The init, service and destroy are the life cycle method these are invoked by the web container.
- public void init(ServletConfig config) initializes the servlet. It is the life cycle method invoked by the web container only once.
- public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) provides response for the incoming request. It is invoked at each request by the web container.
- public void destroy() is invoked only once and indicates that servlet is being destroyed.
- public ServletCofig getServletConfig() returns the object of ServletCofig.
- public String getServletInfo() returns information about servlet such as writer, copyright,version etc.
import javax.servlet.*;
public class First implements Servlet{
ServletConfig config=null;
public void init(ServletConfig config){
System.out.println("servlet is initialized");
public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)throws IOException, ServletException{
PrintWriter out=res.getWriter();
public void destroy(){
System.out.println("Servlet is destroyed");
pulbic ServletCofig getServletConfig(){
return config;
public String getServletInfo(){
return "copyrith @ futureimpact"