1. Encapsulation:
the process of hiding internal data from the outside world; and accessing it
only through publicly exposed methods is known as data encapsulation.
It means restricting direct access of class variables to
outside class members and providing accessibility to those variables through
public methods is called encapsulation.
In java encapsulation can be implemented. Ultimately through
encapsulation we are hiding implementation details from user.
By declaring variables as private, to restrict direct access, and
By declaring one pair
of public setter and getter methods to give access private variables.
2. Inheritance: the
process of reusing class members from another class as if it were defined in
that class is called inheritance. It can also be defined as it is a process of
obtaining one object property to another object.
As the name suggests, inheritance means to take something
that is already made. It is the concept that is used for reusability purpose.
Inheritance can be implemented in java by using below two
- Extends
- Implements
“Extends” is used
for developing inheritance between two classes or two interfaces, and “
"implements” keyword is used to
developed inheritance between interface, class.
Class sample extends example{}
The class followed by extends keyword is called super class/base
class, here example is super class, and the class that follows extends keyword
is called subclass/derived class, here sample is sub class.
Basically by implementing inheritance we are establishing a
relation between two classes and then extending one class scope to another
When subclass is loaded its entire super classes are loaded,
and also when subclass object is created all its super class non-static
variables memory is created. Invoked method is executed from sub class.
Super class is loaded using extends keyword.
Super class object is created by calling super class
constructor from sub class constructor using super() method.
Super() method is
used to call super class constructor from sub class constructor to initialize
super class non-static variables when subclass object is created. Compiler
places super() method call in all
constructors at the time of compilation if there is no super() or this() method
call is placed explicitly.
Invoked super class constructor means not create an object
of it, it means super class non static variables gets memory in subclass object
We can initialize super class non-static variables by using
parameterized constructor so we must place “super” call explicitly with
argument. The argument type should be the constructor parameter type.
Inheritance can only be implemented if super calss has a
visible constructor. It means other than private constructor.
Empty Super Class:
Class Example{}
Sample extends Example{}
Super class with
Explicit no-arg constructor::
Class Example{
Example (){}
Sample extends Example{}
Super class with
Explicit parameterized constructor::
Class Example{
Example (int a){}
Sample extends Example{}
Super and sub class
with Explicit parameterized constructor::
Class Example{
Example (int a){}
Sample extends Example{
Sample(int b){}
Super is used to access the members of the super class. To
access the hidden data variables of the super class hidden by the sub class.
Super keyword is most useful to handle situations where the local members of a
subclass hide the members of a super class having the same name.
Hence super keyword can be defined as “it’s a non-static
variable used to store super class non-static member’s memory reference through
current sub class object for separating super class members from subclass
When we must define
subclass for a class?
Sub classes must be written only if we want to extend the
functionality of the existed class. To treat the new class as existed class
type, for implementing runtime polymorphism.
What are the benefits
of inheritance?
one of the key benefits of inheritance is to minimize the
amount of duplicate code in an application by sharing common code amongst
several subclasses. Where equivalent code exists in two related classes, the
hierarchy can usually be refractored to move the common code up to a mutual
super class. This also tends to result in a better organization of code and
smaller, simpler compilation units.
Inheritance can also make application code more flexible to
change because classes that inherit from a common super class can be used interchangeably.
If the return type of a method is super class then the application can be
adapted to return any class that is descend from that super class.
3. Polymorphism:
having multiple forms of a method with same name is called polymorphism. The meaning
of polymorphism is something like one name, many forms. One name may refers to
different methods. We can develop polymorphism is using below concept.
Method overriding
Method overloading
Types of
Compile-time polymorphism:
when a method is invoked, if its method definition which is bind at compilation
time by compiler and only executed by JVM at runtime, than it is called
compile-time or static binding. Method overloading is the best example.
Run-time polymorphism:
when a method is invoked, if its method definition which is bind at
compilation time and is not executed by JVM at runtime, instead if it is
executed from the subclass based on the object stored in the reference variable
is called runtime polymorphism. It can only be implemented through method overriding and up-casting.
Run-time polymorphism not only provides automatic garbage
collection it also allows you to change the behavior of a class without
changing even a single line of code in a class. Hence we can say runtime
polymorphism based application provides pluggability
nature and means loose coupling.
What is meant by
loose coupling and tight coupling?
If a product is functioning correctly even after changing
one of its parts with another company given party, it is called loosely coupled
way of manufacturing. Else it is called tightly coupled way of manufacturing.
4. Abstraction: the
process of removing or hiding unnecessary information is called abstraction.
The process of providing necessary method prototype by removing/ hiding
unnecessary method logic/ body is called abstraction. Here unnecessary details
mean method body and logic. It only provides us method prototypes and hides
method implementation details.
Hiding non essential details can be developed using concrete
Removing non essential details can be developed using
abstract methods.
How can you force subclass
to override super class method?
By creating method as abstract method
Procedure to create
abstract methods in a class:
Create a method without body. A method created without body is called abstract method. Rule of
abstract method is it should contain abstract keyword and should ends with
Abstract void m1();
Why method should has
abstract keyword if it does not have body?
In a class we are allowed only to define methods with body.
Since we are changing its default property- means removing its body- it must
has abstract keyword in its prototype.
If method does not have body it should be declared as
abstract using abstract modifier keyword else leads to CE:
If a class have abstract method, it should be declared as
abstract class using abstract keyword else it leads to CE:
If a class is declared as abstract it cannot be instantiated
violation to CE:
Why abstract class
cannot be instantiated?
Because it’s abstract method cannot be executed. If compiler
allows us to create object for abstract class, we can invoke abstract method
using that object which cannot be executed by JVM at runtime. Hence to restrict
calling abstract methods compiler does not allow us to instantiate abstract
We are not allowed to declare abstract method as static. It
leads to compiler time error illegal combination of modifiers abstract and
Only three modifiers allowed with abstract they are:
Native, protected, public.
In projects development we come across three types of
Service specifier—the person or company who develops
specification is called service specifier.
Service provider—the person or company who implements
specification is called service
Service user—who uses the specification, further its implementation
is called service user.
What we achieve via
abstraction in java?
By implementing abstraction we can develop contract document
between service providers, service users. This contract document is called
specification, developed using interface in java.
This specification is defined by a common company with all
abstract methods.
Specification provides the below information to both service
provider and service user.
Why projects
development is starts with interfaces?
To develop loosely coupled based applications runtime polymorphism
Loosely coupled or runtime polymorphism based application
means it allows to replace an object with another object of same category without recompiling and it
exhibits the same expected functionality.