Friday, 7 December 2012

POPUP Boxes in JavaScript

A popup box that displays a message, along with an "OK" button. Depending on the popup box, it might also have a "Cancel" button, and you might also be prompted to enter some text. These are all built into JavaScript and are what I call "JavaScript popup boxes". They can also referred to as "dialog boxes", "JavaScript dialog" , "popup dialog" etc.


  • The syntax for an alert box is: alert("yourtext");
  • The user will need to click "OK" to proceed. 
  • Typical use is when you want to make sure information comes through to the user.
  • Examples could be warnings of any kind.(Typical examples are "Adult Content", or technical matters like "This site requires Shockwave Flash plug-in").

Screenshot of a JavaScript alert box

  • The syntax for a confirm box is: confirm("yourtext");
  • The user needs to click either "OK" or "Cancel" to proceed.
  • Typical use is when you want the user to verify or accept something.
  • Examples could be age verification like "Confirm that you are at least 57 years old" or technical matters like "Do you have a plug-in for Shockwave Flash?"

- If the user clicks "OK", the box returns the value true.
- If the user clicks "Cancel", the box returns the value false.

Screenshot of a JavaScript confirm box


  • The prompt box syntax is: prompt("yourtext","defaultvalue");
  • The user must click either "OK" or "Cancel" to proceed after entering the text.
  • Typical use is when the user should input a value before entering the page.
  • Examples could be entering user's name to be stored in a cookie or entering a password or code of some kind.

- If the user clicks "OK" the prompt box returns the entry.
- If the user clicks "Cancel" the prompt box returns null.
Screenshot of a JavaScript prompt box

Since you usually want to use the input from the prompt box for some purpose it is normal to store the input in a variable, as shown in this example:

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