Friday 16 March 2012

JavaeEE Framework Questions?

What are the benefits of the asynchronous processing support that was introduced in Servlet 3.0 in JEE 6?
1. If you are building an online chess game or a chat application, the client browser needs to be periodically refreshed to reflect the changes. This used to be achieved via a technique known as the server-polling (aka client pull or client refresh). You can use the HTML tag for polling the server. This tag tells the client it must refresh the page after a number of seconds. 

The URL newPage.html will be refreshed every 10 seconds. This approach has the downside of wasting network bandwidth and server resources. With the introduction of this asynchronous support, the data can be sent via the mechanism known as the server push as opposed to server polling. So, the client waits for the server to push the updates as opposed to frequently polling the server.

2. The Ajax calls are integral part of any web development as it provides richer user experience. This also means that with Ajax, the clients (i.e. browsers) interact more frequently with the server compared to the page-by-page request model. If an Ajax request needs to tap into server side calls that are very time consuming (e.g. report generation), the synchronous processing of these Ajax requests can degrade the overall performance of the application because these threads will be blocked as the servers generally use a thread pool with finite number of threads to service concurrent requests. The asynchronous processing will allow these time consuming requests to be throttled via a queue, and the same thread(s) to be recycled to process queued requests without having to chew up the other threads from the server thread-pool. This approach can be used for non Ajax requests as well.

Note: In JEE 6, The EJB 3.1 can also specify a Session Bean to be asynchronous.

 What are benefits of web fragements introduced in Servelt 3.0 spec? 

       Web applications use frameworks like JSF, Struts, Spring MVC, Tapestry, etc. These frameworks normally bootsrap (i.e register) via the web.xml file using the and tags. For example

The web.xml file

If a particular application uses more than one framework, the above approach is not modular as you will have to bootstrap all the frameworks within the same web.xml file, making it large and difficult to isolate framework specific descriptors. The Servlet 3.0 specification addresses this issue by introducing web fragments. A web fragment can be considered as one of the segment of the whole web.xml and it can be thought of as one or more web fragments constituting a single web.xml file. The fragment files are stored under /META-INF/web-fragment.xml, and it is the responsibility of the container to scan the fragement files during the server start-up.
Note: The Servlet 3.0 specification also provides enhanced pluggability by providing an option to add servlets, filters, servlet mappings and filter mappings during the run time.

 What do you understand by the term "Web profile" in Java EE 6?

   Java EE 6 introduces the concept of profiles as a way to slimming the footprint of the Java EE platform and better target it for specific audiences. Profiles are configurations of the Java EE platform that are designed for specific classes of applications. For example, the required elements for a Web profile are
  • Java EE 6 (JSR-316)
  • Common Annotations for Java Platform 1.1 (JSR-250)
  • Dependency Injection for Java 1.0 (JSR-330)
  • Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE platform 1.0 (JSR-299)
  • Servlet 3.0 (JSR-315)
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.2 (JSR-245)
  • Expression Language (EL) 2.2 (JSR-245)
  • Debugging Support for Other Languages 1.0 (JSR-45)
  • Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL) 1.2 (JSR-52)
  • JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 (JSR-314)
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 Lite (JSR-318)
  • Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.1 (JSR-907)
  • Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 (JSR-317)
  • Bean Validation 1.0 (JSR-303)
  • Managed Beans 1.0 (JSR-316)
  • Interceptors 1.1 (JSR-318)
The JEE 6 has also introduced the concept known as "pruning" to manage complexities. This is similar to the concept introduced in Java SE 6. Pruning is performed as a multistep process where a candidate is declared in one release but may be relegated to an optional component in the next release, depending on community reaction. For example, JAX-RPC will be pruned and replaced by JAX-WS. However, if Java EE application server vendors do include a pruned technology, they must do so in a compatible way, such that existing applications will keep running. The profiles and pruning are debatable topics and only time will tell if they work or not.

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